食の調査と制作『食べる 調べる 作る人』なかやまはるな食の調査と制作『食べる 調べる 作る人』なかやまはるな

Food Research and Art
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個々で活動している料理家やケータラーと日本全国の食材をつなぎ、家庭で気軽に楽しめるお惣菜に加工、冷凍でお届けするプロジェクトcatering for me! のおせちセットをプロデュースしました。


Catering for me! Osechi

I produced the Osechi for “catering for me!”, a project that connects chefs and caterers working individually with ingredients from all over Japan, processes them into delicacies that can be enjoyed easily at home, and delivers them frozen.

The 27-course Osechi set, prepared by 17 chefs, includes dishes such as “Kazunoko with sake-kasu cream,” “Shrimp simmered with herbs,” “Octopus in vinegar with Taiwanese tea,” “Cocoa Kimpira” are just a few examples of the variety that transcends genres. To accommodate each way of eating, the style is flexible enough to be arranged at home, and leaves, pins, and mizuhiki for decoration are included. We have also produced a video showing the key points of serving.

Publisher: catering for me!

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Catering Comunication Design

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