食の調査と制作『食べる 調べる 作る人』なかやまはるな食の調査と制作『食べる 調べる 作る人』なかやまはるな

Food Research and Art
Haruna Nakayama Official Website
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フード学部 / 鎌倉まちの大学


Machi no Daigaku Food program

Machi no Daigaku is a community school rooted in Kamakura. We believe that “who you learn with” is more important than “what you learn”. We will rediscover the food culture of Kamakura, which is surrounded by the sea and mountains. It is a faculty that thoroughly supports the realization of dreams of those who want to create a restaurant in their hometown or region, or those who want to find their own livelihood through the creation of a restaurant or work in the tourist town of Kamakura.

Operated : Kayak, SEASONSWORKS Inc.

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Education Local Design

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