Nori Laver Summit
This is a volunteer initiative where laver producers, companies, and others from across Japan gather to discuss the future of laver activities through numerous case studies. At a time when there has been a nationwide crop failure of laver due to abnormal weather and other factors, the participants discussed what can be done to produce laver with an eye to the future through numerous case study presentations and discussions on laver. Among them was a presentation on efforts to “visualize the taste of laver,” which would create a stir in the evaluation of laver, whose price is determined solely by its appearance.
主 催 : 海苔サミット実行委員会・ニッポンの海苔屋
後 援 : 神戸市役所・NTT ドコモ・ヒガマツ大学
協 力 : NPO 法人フードデザイナーズネットワーク
Organizer : Nori Seaweed Summit Committee
Sponsorship : Kobe City Hall, NTT DOCOMO, HIGAMATSU Univ.
Cooperation : NPO Food Designers Network
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- Local Design
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- 2017〜